Operation Crossroads
Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands 1946
Shot Able, Shot Baker
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Operation Crossroads was a pair of nuclear weapon tests conducted by the United States at Bikini Atoll in mid-1946. The purpose of the tests were to investigate the effect of nuclear weapons on warships. The Crossroads tests were the first of many nuclear tests held in the Marshall Islands, and the first to be publicly announced beforehand and observed by an invited audience, including a large press corp. They were conducted by Joint Army/Navy Task Force One, headed by Vice Admiral William H. P. Blandy rather than by the Manhattan Project, which had developed nuclear weapons during World War II. A fleet of 95 target ships was assembled in Bikini Lagoon and hit with two detonations of Fat Man plutonium implosion-type nuclear weapons of the kind dropped on Nagasaki in 1945, each with a yield of 23 kilotons of TNT.
Dates: June 28 - Aug 31, 1946 (Decontamination thru Nov 30, 1948)
Operation Crossroads, the official pictorial record
Uncut Unedited Footage Of Atomic shot "Baker" 23 kiloton
List of Participants
US Army Ground Forces Participation
US Army Air Forces Participation
Able | 7/1/1946 | Bikini | Achomawi, Ajax, Allen M. Sumner, Anderson, Arkansas, APL-27, Appling, ARD-29, Artemis, ATA-180, ATA-185, ATA-187, ATA-192, ATR-40, ATR-87, Avery Island, Barton, Bayfield, Begor, Benevolence, Bexar, Blue Ridge, Bottineau, Bramble, Burleson, Cebu, Charles P. Cecil, Chickasaw, Chikaskia, Chowanoc, Clamp, Coasters Harbor, Conserver, Coucal, Creon, Cumberland Sound, Current, Deliver, Dixie, Dutton, Enoree, Etlah, Fall River, Flusser, Fulton, Furse, George Clymer, Gunston Hall, Gypsy, Haven, Henrico, Hesperia, Independence, James M. Gilliss, John Blish, Ingraham, Kenneth Whiting, Laffey, LCI(L)-977, LCI(L)-1062, LCI(L)-1067, LCI(L)-1091, Lowry, LST-388, LST-817, LST-861, LST-881, Moale, Mount McKinley, Munsee, Newman K. Perry, Nagato, New York, Nevada, O’Brien, Oneota, Orca, Ottawa, Palmyra, Pennsylvania, Pensacola, Prinz Eugen, PGM-23, PGM-24, PGM-25, PGM-29, PGM-31, PGM-32, Pollux, Preserver, Presque Isle, Quartz, Reclaimer, Robert K. Huntington, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Rockwall, Rolette, Saidor, Saint Croix, Sakawa, Salt Lake City, Saratoga, San Marcos, Shakamaxon, Shangri-la, Sioux, Sphinx, Suncock, Sylvania, Tombigbee, Walke, Wenatchee, Wharton, Widgeon, Wildcat, YMS-354, YMS-358, YMS-413, YMS-463, Hughes, Lamson, Rhind, Ralph Talbot, Stack, Wainwright, Wilson, Conyngham, Flusser, Mugford, Mustin, Mayrant, Trippe, Searaven, Skate, Skipjack, Tuna, Turner, Apogon, Dentuda, Parche, Pilotfish, LST- 52, LST-125, LST-133, LST-220, LST-545, LST-661, LCI-327, LCI-329, LCI-332, LCI-620, LCI-549, LCI-615, LCT-816, LCT-818, LCT-874, LCT-1078, LCT-1112, LCT-1113, LCT-1114, LCT-1115, LCT-1116, LCT-1130, LCT-1132. LCT-1155, LCT-412, LCT-414, LCT- 705, LCT-812, LCT-1013, LCT-1175, LCT-1187, LCT-1237, LCT-1268, LCT-1341, LCT- 1377, LCT-1415, ARDC-13, YO-160, YOG-83, Banner, Brule, Carlisle, Carteret, Fallon, Barrow, Butte, Cortland, Crittenden, Dawson, Bladen, Bracken, Briscoe, Catron, Fillmore, Geneva, Niagara, Appling, Artemis, Gasconade, Apogon, Pilotfish, Arkansas, Saratoga, Gilliam, Chilton |
Baker | 7/25/1946 | Bikini | Achomawi, Ajax, Allen M. Sumner, Anderson, Arkansas, APL-27, Appling, ARD-29, Artemis, ATA-124, ATA-180, ATA-185, ATA-187, ATA-192, ATR-40, ATR-87, Avery Island, Barton, Bayfield, Begor, Benevolence, Bexar, Blue Ridge, Bottineau, Bowditch, Bramble, Burleson, Cebu, Charles P. Cecil, Chickasaw, Chikaskia, Chowanoc, Clamp, Coasters Harbor, Conserver, Coucal, Creon, Cumberland Sound, Current, Deliver, Dixie, Dutton, Enoree, Etlah, Fall River, Flusser, Fulton, Furse, George Clymer, Gunston Hall, Gypsy, Haven, Henrico, Hesperia, Independence, James M. Gilliss, John Blish, Ingraham, Kenneth Whiting, Laffey, LCI(L)-977, LCI(L)-1062, LCI(L)-1067, LCI(L)-1091, Lowry, LST-388, LST-817, LST-861, LST-881, Mender, Moale, Mount McKinley, Munsee, Newman K. Perry, Nagato, New York, Nevada, O’Brien, Oneota, Orca, Ottawa, Palmyra, Pennsylvania, Pensacola, Prinz Eugen, PGM-23, PGM-24, PGM-25, PGM-29, PGM-31, PGM-32, Phaon, Pollux, Preserver, Presque Isle, Quartz, Reclaimer, Robert K. Huntington, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Rockwall, Rolette, Saidor, Saint Croix, Sakawa, Salt Lake City, Saratoga, San Marcos, Shakamaxon, Shangri-la, Sioux, Sphinx, Suncock, Sylvania, Telamon, Turner, Walke, Wenatchee, Wharton, Widgeon, Wildcat, YMS-354, YMS-358, YMS-413, YMS-463, Hughes, Lamson, Rhind, Ralph Talbot, Stack, Wainwright, Wilson, Conyngham, Flusser, Mugford, Mustin, Mayrant, Trippe, Searaven, Skate, Skipjack, Tuna, Apogon, Dentuda, Parche, Pilotfish, LST- 52, LST-125, LST-133, LST-220, LST-545, LST-661, LCI-327, LCI-329, LCI-332, LCI-620, LCI-549, LCI-615, LCT-816, LCT-818, LCT-874, LCT-1078, LCT-1112, LCT-1113, LCT-1114, LCT-1115, LCT-1116, LCT-1130, LCT-1132. LCT-1155, LCT-412, LCT-414, LCT- 705, LCT-812, LCT-1013, LCT-1175, LCT-1187, LCT-1237, LCT-1268, LCT-1341, LCT- 1377, LCT-1415, ARDC-13, YO-160, YOG-83, Banner, Brule, Carlisle, Carteret, Fallon, Barrow, Butte, Cortland, Crittenden, Dawson, Bladen, Bracken, Briscoe, Catron, Fillmore, Geneva, Niagara, Appling, Artemis, Gasconade, Apogon, Arkansas, Saratoga, Gilliam, Chilton |
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If you believe you were exposed to the effects of Operation Crossroads and were diagnosed with cancer, please call the National Cancer Benefits Center at (800) 414-4328 or use our online form to request more information.
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