Operation Tumbler-Snapper
Nevada Test Site (NTS) 1952
Shot Able, Shot Baker, Shot Charlie, Shot Dog, Shot Easy, Shot Fox, Shot George, Shot How, Shot Able, Shot Baker, Shot Easy, Shot Baker-2, & Shot Fox
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Operation Tumbler-Snapper was a series of atmospheric nuclear tests conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) at the Nevada Proving Ground (NPG). The operation consisted of eight nuclear detonations in two phases. The Tumbler phase, of primary concern to the Department of Defense (DOD), consisted of four weapons effects tests, Shots Able, Baker, Charlie, and Dog. These airdropped devices were detonated to collect information on the effect of the height of burst on overpressure.
Shots Charlie and Dog were also part of the Snapper phase, of primary concern to the AEC and the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. The other weapons development tests in the Snaper phase were Shots Easy, Fox, George, and How. The primary purpose of these four tower shots was to gather information on nuclear phenomena to improve the design of nuclear weapons.
Dates: Apr 1- June 20, 1952
Operation Tumbler Snapper (1952)
A Photographic Study of Blast and Thermal Phenomena - Operation Tumbler
List of Participants
Able | 4/1/1952 | NTS |
Baker | 4/15/1952 | NTS |
Charlie | 4/22/1952 | NTS |
Dog | 5/1/1952 | NTS |
Easy | 5/7/1952 | NTS |
Fox | 5/25/1952 | NTS |
George | 6/1/1952 | NTS |
How | 6/5/1952 | NTS |
Able | 1/27/1951 | NTS |
Baker | 1/28/1951 | NTS |
Easy | 2/1/1951 | NTS |
Baker -2 | 2/2/1951 | NTS |
Fox | 2/6/1951 | NTS |
Contact Us for More Information
If you believe you were exposed to the effects of Operation Tumbler-Snapper and have been diagnosed with cancer, please call the National Cancer Benefits Center at (800) 414-4328 or use our online form to request more information.
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